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Housing for Council Tenants

Join the Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group

The Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group are actively seeking new members to join them. If you want to make a difference and get involved to scrutinise and improve the Housing Service for nearly 5000 tenants and leaseholders, come along to a meeting! Find out more information about how you can join here.

The Council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-2030

The Council’s Cabinet approved and adopted its renewed Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy December last year, and takes effect from 1 January 2025.  The Strategy will focus on preventing and relieving homelessness and rough sleeping over the next 5 years. 

You can read more about the strategy and the homelessness and rough sleeping review here.

This section is for Dover District Council Tenants and Leaseholders.

If you would like to be a tenant, you first need to be assessed by our Housing Needs Team, find out more here.

To find out more about the Housing Team and what we do, read our newsletter, sign up to our 'Housing For Tenants' Keep Me Posted or see our Who's Who.


FeedbackGive Feedback and Contact Us

Find out how to Contact us and also how to give a comment, compliment or complaint

Performance Image

Housing Management Information and Performance

Find out how we're doing and what we do with our performance information.

Green Lane Estate Inspection July 22

Estate Walkabouts

Join the Housing Staff and your elected Councillors on our estate walkabouts. 

Garden Competition 2019

Garden Competition

The Garden Competition is open annually for you to enter your own garden or a neighbours.

The competition is judged by the DDTCG.

HandbookYour Tenant Handbook

Your quick reference guide to your tenancy.

RENT calculator


Pay your rent and get advice on money matters.

Jute Fields- DM &TS

Resident Information

Your tenancy, rights (including
Right to Buy and XL Bully Dogs) and the important things you need to know.

Solomon House

Leaseholder Information

Selling, littering, altering your leasehold property; Service charges, ways to pay, advice on buying a leasehold property.


Want to move?

Useful information on finding a new home.


Housing for Older People

Find out about our Independent Living Services for our Sheltered Housing Accommodation. 


Antisocial Behaviour

Report antisocial behaviour online and understand how we deal with complaints.

Blow the Whistle - Tenancy Fraud

Report Tenancy Fraud

Do you think someone might be subletting or misusing their property?


Who's Who

Meet the team, find out who your Housing Officer is and what they do for you.

Keep in touch with us and see what we're up to:


Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved to help improve the housing service you receive.

Newsletter July 22 Front coverPublications

Read our newsletters, reports, policies and other public documents.


Keep Me Posted

Sign up to Keep Me Posted for news and updates about your Landlord service. Tick 'Housing For Tenants' under 'Your Council' section.

 To keep updated with the latest news and consultations about the housing for tenants service, please sign up to Keep Me Posted and tick 'Housing For Tenants'.

Also in Housing For Tenants

  • Who's Who: Find out who your Housing Officer is and what our Officers do.
  • DDTCG: find out about how you can join the Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group.
  • XL Bully Dog: Advice about banned dog breeds such as XL Bully Dogs.
  • Estate Events: Come along and meet your Housing Team
  • Garden Competition: Find out more about the competition.
  • Read our Policies: Find out how we work with you and the level of service you should receive.
  • Right to Buy: Find out information about buying your council home.
  • Fire Safety: Read our resources about how to stay safe.
  • Our performance: Find out what we do with our performance information.
  • Rent a garage: We have over 900 garages to rent in the Dover District
  • Complaints process: Find out about how you can make a complaint about the Housing Management Service