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Resident Information

Your tenancy agreement

Look at the local tenancy agreement for your area.

Repairs for your home

How to report a repair for your home.

Your responsibilities

From gardens, pests, pets, fences to your rights as a tenant.

Your Tenant Handbook

Useful information about your home and your tenancy.

Give feedback on our services

Tell us your views or comments about our services.

Who's Who

Find out who your Housing Officer is and what our Officers do.

Your neighbourhood

Grass cutting, trees, repairs on your estate, parking and waste collection.

Dealing with anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Find out how we deal with ASB and how you can report it online.

Ending your tenancy

What you need to do to end your or a family members tenancy.

Get Involved

Get involved with how YOUR housing service is run. We have a variety of ways you can help improve services, from surveys, to estate inspections and meetings.

Fire safety advice 

Find out how to keep safe in the event of a fire.

Types of Tenancies

Find out about the types of tenancies we offer, what they mean, when they are offered to you, and what are your rights


View and Download our publications such as Newsletters and Annual reports.

Your Health and Wellbeing

Helpful resources to enable you to live a happy and healthy life.

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Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Please contact us on tenantinvolvement@dover.gov.uk if you think we have missed information or tell us how we can improve this page.