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Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group

 Tenants Consultative Group logo_FINAL 

Who are the Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group?

The Dover District Tenants' Consultative Group (DDTCG) are a local group of Dover District Council tenants and leaseholders.

 They are a non-political Group that represent the views and interests of tenants and leaseholders across the Dover District. They are independent, however work closely with DDC as a consultative body to resolve issues and recommend improvements to the service.

Elected postholders for 2024:

  • Neil Drakley, Chairperson
  • Patricia Haywood, Vice Chairperson
  • Vacant Post, Secretary

The group are actively looking for a secretary, who's role includes taking and circulating minutes, keeping accurate records and receiving and forwarding correspondence to group members. This is an important role for the group and full training will be provided, if you're interested or want more information please contact Beth Becks on beth.becks@dover.gov.uk.

The Groups' next Annual General Meeting is to be held in January 2026 , where elections for 2026 posts will be held. If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact beth.becks@dover.gov.uk for more details.

What does the DDTCG do?

The DDTCG meet every 6 weeks to discuss local housing related issues with Dover District Council.  The group have worked on many projects over the years to help improve the Housing Service for residents.

DDTCG members can receive regular training and support to make sure that they have the skills to work effectively with housing staff on behalf of the tenants and leaseholders they represent. DDC are landlord members of TPAS, which enables all tenants access with their resources and training, you can sign up for free by selecting Dover District Council as your landlord.
DDC is committed to ensuring that no one is left out of pocket by being involved, so DDC pay expenses in line with our expenses policy.

The group play a big role in the annual Competitions for tenants and Leaseholders, this year they are judging the Garden Competition.

Some of the things we will be doing in 2025:

    • Consulting with the new Repairs contractor to help ensure tenants are a part of the mobilisation process.
    • Working with DDC to agree the 'Tenant News' and other communications to Tenants.
    • Finding out about he new Policies being written and making sure Tenants' voices help shape them.
    • Discuss neighbourhood issues and recommending improvements to the service.

Meeting Diary

 All meetings are held at 11am-1pm to ensure the meeting doesn't interfere with school drop off/pick up. You can join in person or online.

Please email Beth Becks at beth.becks@dover.gov.uk. if you would like to receive an invite to a meeting. All tenants and Leaseholders are welcome.

Here are the dates of all the meetings throughout 2024:


  • Tuesday 28 January 2025, HMS Brave Room, DDC (AGM)
  • Tuesday 11 March 2025, Council Chamber, DDC
  • Tuesday 22 April 2025, HMS Brave Room, DDC
  • Tuesday 03 June 2025, Council Chamber, DDC         
  • Tuesday 15 July 2025, HMS Brave Room, DDC
  • Tuesday 26 August 2025, HMS Brave Room, DDC
  • Tuesday 07 October 2025, Council Chamber, DDC   
  • Tuesday 18 November 2025, HMS Brave Room, DDC


Meetings are held on Tuesdays between 11am-1pm.

It should cost you nothing to attend any of our tenant meetings. Costs are reimbursed in line with our Tenant expenses Policy.

 Join the Group

Are you a DDC Tenant or Leaseholder? If yes, could you spare 2hrs every 6weeks?

The group currently have 8 members but can have up to 12 members, so they are always looking for new members and welcome any interested tenants or leaseholders to come along to see what the meeting is like.  If you would like any more information about coming along or becoming a member please contact us on beth.becks@dover.gov.uk.

You are more than welcome to join a meeting with no obligation to join the group officially. The group are a friendly and welcoming bunch, with a shared goal to improve services for tenants and leaseholders.

Free refreshments are provided and a mixture of online or in person meetings are available based on your personal preference.


Handbook Front Cover

Download the DDTCG - Full Handbook to read the full:

  • Terms of Reference
  • Role Descriptions
  • Code of Conduct
  • Jargon Buster
  • Useful Information

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Please contact us on tenantinvolvement@dover.gov.uk if you think we have missed information or tell us how we can improve this page.