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Housing documents

Housing management

Tenancy strategy 2021-2026

A tenancy strategy is required by the Localism Act 2011 and provides a general overview of the approach the Council would like Registered Providers of Social Housing (Housing Associations) operating in the district to take when managing their housing stock.

Tenancy management policy

This policy explains the types of tenancies that the Council offers to Council tenants, how long they last, tenants' rights and responsibilities, and sets out our approach to tenancy management.

Tenant engagement strategy 2022-2027

This strategy sets out how the Council will engage, seek out, listen and act on the views of tenants and leaseholders in the performance, delivery, scrutiny and development of housing services.

Neighbourhood management policy

This policy sets out how the Council intendes to effectively manage Council housing estates, neighbourhoods and communal areas to create and sustain, safe and pleasant neighbourhoods for local communities, and the responsibilities of tenants.

Tenancy fraud policy

This policy covers what actions the Council will take to provent, detect and presecute suspected tenancy fraud. 

HRA rent setting policy

This policy sets out how the Council will calculate and increase formula (social) and affordable rent, as well as services charges, in compliance with the Policy Statement on Rents for Social Housing and the Regulator of Social Housing's Rent Standard.

Anti-social behaviour policy

This policy explains how the Council will tackle and deter anti-social behaviour and hate incident in our neighbourhoods, and how we will work with other organisations to do so. 

Pets policy

This policy explains the Council's approach to pets in Council homes, the responsibilities of tenants who have pets, and the Council’s enforcement powers. This Policy is currently under review.

Rent setting and income recovery policy

This policy explains how the Council will manage income, debts and arrears.

Rechargeable works and services policy

This policy explains the Councils approach to raising and recovering costs associated with rechargeable work and services.

Mobility scooter policy

This policy sets out the Council's approach to managing the use, storage and charging of mobility scooters in residential properties, and the responsibilities of tenants who use mobility scooters.

Vulnerable tenant policy

This policy sets out the Council's approach to providing support an adjustments to housing services for vulnerable tenants.

Domestic Abuse Policy

This Policy sets out the Council's approach to recognise and responding to domestic abuse incidents in our housing stock.

Managing Unacceptable Behaviour Policy

This Policy is currently under review and will be updated soon.

This Policy sets out how Housing Services will deal with unacceptable behaviour acted out by tenants, their household members and visitors towards members of housing staff and contractors, and what actions we will take to manage such bevahiour. 

Tenant Engagement Expenses and Incentives Policy

This Policy outlines the types of eligible expenses that tenants can claim for participating in Housing Management activities, such as travel or care costs associated with attending the Dover District Tenant's Consultative Group, and where incentives might be offered to encourage engagement.


Disabled Adaptations Policy

This Policy outlines how council tenants can apply for a disabled adaptation in their home and the relevant eligibility criteria.

Housing options

Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy 2025 - 2030

This document is required by the Homelessness Act 2002 and the Homelessness Code of Guidance for Local Authorities, and sets out how the Council will prevent and relieve homelessness and rough sleeping over the next five years. A review of homelessness and rough sleeping was also conducted which you can access here.

Housing allocation policy

This policy explains how the Council allocates social housing in the district.


Strategic Housing

Shared Ownership policy

This policy sets out how the Council manages the promotion, allocation, sales, resales and staircasing of Council-owned shared ownership properties. This Policy is currently under review.

First Homes policy

This policy sets out how the Council will oversee the administrative and governance of First Homes in the district. 


Property services

Damp and mould policy

This policy sets out the Council's approach to managing and preventing damp and mould occurances in Council properties, our responsibilities and obligations and the responsibilities and obligations of tenants and leaseholders.

Leasehold management policy

This policy sets out the Council's approach to the general management of leasehold properties, which includes Council properties purchase through the Right to Buy scheme, and Shared Ownership properties.


Private sector housing

Private sector housing strategy

This strategy explains the Councils approach to the private housing sector, its enforcement powers and provides guidance to householders and landlords.

Private sector housing enforcement policy

This policy sets out how the Council will enforce legislation in the private housing sector.


Last updated: 18 December 2024