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Market Square 3

Current regeneration projects

Aylesham 2Aylesham Village »

Aylesham Garden Village is a development of up to 1,200 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom new homes plus retail units and leisure facilities.  


Bench StDover Beacon »

Regeneration of Bench Street, Dover will include an education campus, business start-up centre, public open space, a new creative centre and a refurbished underpass.  This project is supported by the Government's Levelling Up Fund (£18.1m) and Future High Streets Fund (£3.2m).



20240305_114957Dover Underpass »

Scheme to make improvements to the underpass on Townwall Street, Dover.





 IMG_3599 copy
The Roman Painted House »

The extraordinary remains of a Roman House, said to be the finest on show in Britain.  



maison dieuReawakening the Maison Dieu »

The Grade I Listed Maison Dieu (Dover Town Hall) is undergoing a £10.5m restoration thanks to a £4.27m grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.


TidesProposed new leisure centre for Deal »

We continue to progress major proposals for a new leisure  centre in Deal which will include a swimming pool, larger gym and a range of fitness studios.


Santa2UK Shared Prosperity Fund »

We have been allocated £1m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to support the Government’s Levelling Up commitment over a three year period through three investment priorities - Communities and place, Supporting local business and People and skills.



Completed projects

Fastrack2Dover Fastrack »

The Dover Fastrack Bus Service started on 17 November 2024. 


Market Square 2Market Square, Dover »

Dover's new-look Market Square opened in August 2022 following a £3.6m programme of public realm improvements to create a modern and welcoming focal point.  The project is funded by a grant of £2.44m from the Coastal Communities Fund and a £1.2m contribution from Dover District Council. Dover Town Council has also contributed to the project.


Dover Leisure CentreDover District Leisure Centre »

Dover District Leisure Centre opened to the public on Monday February 25 2019. The centre offers a wide range of facilities including 25m county standard swimming pool, 15m learner pool, 4 court sports hall, health & fitness studio, clip n climb wall, sauna and steam room, 2 outdoor 3G pitches and 2 squash courts.


St jamesSt James Development »

St James is an 8 acre site that has transformed the retail and leisure offer in the heart of Dover town centre.