Townwall Street Underpass Improvement Project
Dover District Council image of underpass taken March 2024
In 2021, Dover District Council secured £3.2m Future High Street Funding and with £1.7m of matching funding from the Council has a total budget of £4.9m to:
- To build a Creative Centre in Bench Street area of Dover
- To improve the underpass on Townwall Street/A20
Since the award of the Future High Street funding, Dover District Council has been successful in its bid for funding from the Levelling up Fund. Therefore, the Creative Centre project will now be delivered as part of the Dover Beacon Project which brings together plans for a Creative Centre, Education Campus, and Business Centre into one iconic building on Bench Street, Dover, with improved public realm.
For the further details on the Creative Centre and the Dover Beacon Project please follow this link Dover Beacon Project .
We have been talking to stakeholders about the Underpass Improvement project identifying areas of responsibility and the project scope.
We have reported flooding issues in the underpass to National Highways, which resulted in improvements to the pumps and flood systems in the underpass in 2023. There is ongoing maintenance requirement for National Highways to undertake to prevent flooding. We have been provided with a dedicated phone number and email address for members of the public to report flooding issues in the underpass.
Telephone Number: 0300 1235000 Email address:
Scope of the Project
The underpass structure is owed by National Highways and Kent County Council are responsible for walking and cycle paths, and the surface maintenance in the underpass. We have been consulting with National Highways, Kent County Council, Port of Dover and other important stakeholders about this project to look at what can be achieved to improve the underpass. Constraints to the physical fabric of the underpass mean it is important that any alterations do not affect the integrity of the structure.
The identified scope of this project is:
- Re-decorating the ceiling, walls and railings
- Re-surfacing of the footpaths and cycleways in the underpass
- Vinyl enhancements to the tiles in the underpass
- Investigate opportunities to improve CCTV coverage in and around the surrounding area
- Improve signage around the underpass
- Enhance lighting in the underpass
Consultation 2023
The Council undertook consultation in 2023 through in person events and an online survey about the proposed cosmetic improvements to the underpass using panel covers for the tiles.
The consultation focused on the possibility of enhancing the existing tiles in the underpass with the following options created as conceptual images:
Option 1: Dover Time Tunnel -
A new visual graphic relating Dover’s iconic landmarks with cross channel heritage showcasing the unique location of Dover.
Option 2: Dover Selfie Bunker -
The Selfie Bunker is an attraction engaging visitors and residents who use the underpass. A creative space for social media promotion. #doverselfiebunker
Option 3: Refreshed Tradition -
The current underpass has been in place for almost 40 years. Option 3 is to revitalise and refresh the existing graphics ready to serve the future.
Combined results from consultation events and online survey showed 50% of all respondents favoured the Dover Time Tunnel (Selfie Bunker 27%, Refreshed Tradition 23%) as their preferred option.
During our consultation you also gave us some valuable feedback about the underpass and how you felt it could be improved. Whilst most of you welcomed the proposals to enhance the aesthetics you felt there were other things that also needed to be considered.
- Improvements to the lighting
- Safety of the cycle route
- Personal safety and use of CCTV
- Review of the drainage to prevent further flooding
- Improvement to surface materials
- The potential for an at grade crossing over Townwall Street
What Happens Next
The Council is in the process of procuring a main contractor for the project works. The design for the panels in the underpass is still being developed and will cover all of the existing tiles in the underpass including reflective corner panels to increase visibility. We anticipate that the enhancements to the underpass will be completed by the end of 2025.
We will also continue to work with our other stakeholders on the Underpass Improvement Project to maximise the outputs of the project.
For further details about the Underpass Improvement Project. Please see the frequently asked questions.