UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) was launched by the UK Government in April 2022, providing £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025.
We have been allocated £1 million to support the Government’s Levelling Up commitment over a three year period through three investment priorities:
- Communities and place
- Supporting local business
- People and skills (year 3 only)
The funding can be spent on capital (physical assets) and revenue (operational) projects and the allocation is broken down as follows:
| Capital | Revenue |
2022/23 |
£9,929 |
£89,357 |
2023/24 |
£25,814 |
£172,758 |
2024/25 |
£140,428 |
£561,714 |
Projects completed so far with the funding are:
- Events
- Dover Skate Fest
- Saturday summer music sessions in Market Square, Dover
- Meet the reindeers Christmas events, 2022 and 2023
- Spring Clean campaign 2023
- Easter fun day 2023
- Skateboard coaching 2023
- Fashion through the ages on Deal Pier 2023
- Dover Dinosaur Day 2023
- Resurfacing entrance to the Roman Lawn, Market Street, Dover
- Public toilet refurbishments
- Market Square improvements (bollards, jetwashing, speakers)
- Snargate Street bench refurbishment, cycle rack and planting
- Tourism Campaign
- Energy efficiency measures including new boilers and insulation
- Information panels/signage
- New town centre defibrillators and defibrillator training
- Six new large planters and four wheelbarrows for Sandwich plus planting
- New bench for Sandwich
- New town centre seagull-proof bins
- Two new solar powered smart bins in Pencester Gardens
- Cones and signs for Deal Saturday road closure
- Portable sound system for Deal town centre
- Christmas lights - 2 giant stags outside Dover's Maison Dieu
- New gazebos for Sandwich market
- Litter picking station, picnic tables and noticeboards for Kearsney Abbey
- Dover museum frontage painting
- Community grants