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Dover Beacon

Funded by UK Government logo

Screenshot 2024-03-26 135209

 Above Image provided by Lee Evans Partnership 

Learn more about Lee Evans Partnership design for the Dover Beacon Project here. Dover Beacon Project design

Dover Beacon is the redevelopment of an area of Bench Street, Dover. The project will deliver over £90 million of economic benefit and includes: 

  • An education campus providing training opportunities in creative and digital industries
  • A business centre, providing flexible, affordable facilities for start-ups and small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) 
  • A creative centre
  • A riverside parklet
  • Expansion of the Dover bike hire scheme.

Levelling up logoDover Beacon has been part-funded by the UK Government:


Update April 2024 

Archaeological works have started on site on the 15th of April and are anticipated to be completed by the end of June depending on what is found on site. Initial work will start with drilling bole holes to take ten core samples. Then work will start on excavation of archaeological trenches and trial pits. Works will be led by Canterbury Archaeological Trust.

Update March 2024 

The project is moving forwards to the next stage of development and a full planning application has been submitted to Dover District Council for consideration. Full details of the application can be found on this link. Dover Beacon Project planning application.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our consultation about the Dover Beacon Project, results from the consultation can be found in the Statement of Community Involvement on the Dover Beacon Project planning application. 

Update January 2024

Since the formal award of the Levelling up Fund in late April 2023 we have:

  • Demolished the existing buildings and cleared the site
  • Worked with the design team to produce an iconic and exciting building design
  • Secured tenants for the further education campus and business centre 
  • Completed stage one of a procurement process to engage the main contractor for the project under a two stage design and build contract.


An exhibition and consultation was held in November 2023, here is the content from those events.