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Making Applications


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Householder applications submitted from 1st  February 2025

The Planning team will be striving to determine all householder applications within the 8 week statutory timeframe. This means that we will no longer look to enter into Extensions of Time agreements for householder applications received after 1st February 2025. As a department, we will continue work with applicants and agents proactively, and when required, we will seek minor amendments within an agreed timeframe that enables us to meet the 8 week deadline (where re-consultation is not required).

Do I need permission?

The question of what needs planning permission is quite complex

Applying for permission

The process to follow to submit your application

Better applications

Some guidance to help with successful applications

Pre-application advice

We can help you by providing advice before you apply

Types of applications

A list and explanation of the types of applications

Application process

What happens after you submit your application

Validation checklists

Use our checklists to make sure you have everything covered

Planning fees

A fee calculator is available plus a list of other charges

Speaking at Committee

You can request to speak at meetings to support or object

The Planning Portal service

smarter planning logo

We are a member of the Planning Portal which offers a wide range of services and guidance on the planning system including:


Also in Planning


Telephone: 01304 872486

Email developmentmanagement@dover.gov.uk