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Reporting a repair if you are a leaseholder

Who do I report a repair to?

Any repairs that are the responsibility of the Council should be reported to the contractor direct:

Email: dover.repairs@mearsgroup.co.uk 

Phone: 08000 234 320

What repairs are the Council’s responsibility?

The Council is responsible for maintaining the exterior and common, or shared, parts of the block. This includes inspecting, maintaining, replacing, decorating and cleaning the external paintwork, rainwater goods, entry systems, fire safety equipment, grounds maintenance, communal utility supplies, means of access, communal front doors and the structure of the block.  It will also normally include the replacement and repair of windows, unless you have signed a Deed of Variation specifying alternative arrangements.

What repairs am I responsible for?

You are responsible for all internal items such as taps, kitchen cupboards, sanitary ware, your keys, room décor and built-in cupboards. You will also be responsible for any damage to communal items or property of the Council caused by you or visitors to your property.

Gas safety

Gas appliances that are left unchecked could become dangerous and leak carbon monoxide.

As a leaseholder it is a condition of your lease that you are responsible for maintaining and regular servicing of appliances.   Failure to carry out these checks may result in a breach of your lease and affect the buildings insurance policy.

All of your gas appliances, including your gas boiler, gas cooker and gas fire should be safety checked once a year and serviced regularly according to manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have your gas appliances regularly serviced and safety checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer you could be putting yourself, your family and your neighbours at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or explosion from an undetected gas leak.

What is a responsive repair?

Responsive repairs are unplanned repairs that generally have a minimal value, such as repairs to communal doors, fencing, replacing individual roof tiles or repairing a communal light fitting.

What do I do if I am unhappy with the repair standard?

In the first instance please report the problem to the contractor. If following that you are still unhappy please contact the Homeownership team on homeownership@dover.gov.uk

How do I report a problem with the cleaning?

In the first instance please report an issue to the Cleaning Contractor direct: 

customerservice@townandcountrycleaners.co.uk or 0800 389 4825

If the problem is still not resolved please email: housingplannedmaintenance@dover.gov.uk

How do I report a problem with the grounds maintenance?

In the first instance please report an issue to the Grounds Maintenance Contractor direct

Please see our dedicated webpage

If the problem is still not resolved please email: housingplannedmaintenance@dover.gov.uk

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