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Grass cutting and grounds maintenance

The greens spaces and areas around your estate are an important part of making where you live look nice.  DDC and KCC have different responsibilities for looking after these areas.

We are responsible for looking after your estate which includes managing the grass cutting and gardening contracts across the Dover District.  Our Housing Officers help us to keep local estates up to standard but we always welcome tenants to contact us if there is an issue on their local area or if a communal repair is needed.

We also maintains more than 200 parks, open spaces, play areas, allotments, commons and woodlands.  You can find out more by visiting our dedicated webpage.


Kent County Council
The County Council  maintains some of the the land in the Dover areas which generally includes the highways, roundabouts and some pavements. So they also cut the grass on highway verges and spray weeds on pavements. You can find out more about their contract on their website www.kent.gov.uk