Planning guidance
We have produced a suite of planning guidance to support and expand upon policies contained within the adopted Development Plan. These documents set out our position on a range of key topics and are a material consideration for development control purposes.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) are intended to provide detailed guidance on how planning policy will be implemented. They can either be topic or area related.
Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay SPA Mitigation Strategy
When applying for Planning Permission for residential development the requirements for this strategy may apply please see the following link
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
First Homes Position Statment
Heritage Strategy
The Heritage Strategy has been reviewed and updated (September 2020) to take note of changes and updates that have occurred since its adoption in 2013, to ensure that it is consistent with guidance from Central Government and that it remains robust and fit for purpose.
Conservation Area Character Appraisals
We have produced Conservation Area Character Appraisals for a number of areas in the district to provide a basis for developing initiatives that preserve and enhance the character and appearance of that area.
National Landscape (Formally Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
The Kent Downs National Landscape are designated by Natural England. Afforded the highest level of protection under the Countryside Rights of Way Act.
The Kent Downs National Landscape Management Plan 2021-2026 has been adopted by the council and can be found here: Management Plan - Kent Downs.
Other planning documents