Neighbourhood Planning
Local communities can influence the future of their local areas through the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan, Neighbourhood Development Order or Community Right to Build Order.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning was introduced through the Localism Act 2011, and enables local communities to shape development and growth in their area through the production of a neighbourhood development plan, a neighbourhood development order, or a community right to build order. A neighbourhood plan covers a geographic area and can be taken forward by town and parish councils or 'neighbourhood forums'.
A Neighbourhood Plan is a document produced by the local community to shape and guide its future development. This may set out their vision for the future and provide general planning policies and proposals to guide development in their neighbourhood. Neighbourhood Plans must be in general conformity with the policies set out in the adopted Development Plan documents for that area and cannot be used to prevent development.
A neighbourhood plan, if adopted, becomes part of the statutory development plan for that area and will be used in determining planning applications.
Local communities can also prepare other community-led plans (e.g. Village Design Statements and Parish Plans), although these do not form part of the Development Plan.
Designated Neighbourhood Areas
There are 9 parishes in the district that have applied to produce Neighbourhood Plans. Information on the approved neighbourhood areas, including their application submissions and a detailed plan of their area is provided below:
To prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for your area, you first need to designate the neighbourhood area that the Plan will cover.
Further information
Further advice on preparing neighbourhood plans can be found on our 'Neighbourhood Planning Process' page including guidance on best practice, funding opportunities and examples of adopted Neighbourhood Plans. There is also a guide on the government website.
If you have any further questions on neighbourhood planning or are thinking of preparing a neighbourhood plan for your area please get in touch with us at
Tel: 01304 872 244