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Trees may be protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) if they are:

in Conservation Areas or part of a new development (up to 5 years) and maybe protected by Planning conditions

Works in woodlands may also require a Felling Licence from the Forestry Commission.

Hedgerows in rural areas are protected if they are considered to be important.

Before carrying out work on a tree you must check to see if it is protected. It is an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy any trees protected  by a TPO or within a Conservation Area.

If you cut down a protected tree without permission you could be fined up to £20,000 by the Magistrates’ Court

If you carry out work, without permission on a tree (but don't destroy it) you may be fined up to £2,500 by the Magistrates’ Court

If you are in any doubt about the protected nature of a tree please email tree.enquiries@dover.gov.uk with the details including the location and species of the tree.

There are over 600 TPOs in effect in the Dover District.

Trees in conservation areas

All trees which have a stem diameter of 75mm or above at 1.5m above ground level are automatically protected in a Conservation Area, and cannot be pruned or removed without first giving us 6 weeks written notice.  

  • Trees that form a hedge and multi-stemmed trees are protected if they conform to the dimensions above.
  • Shrubs are not protected in a Conservation Area.  


If agricultural type hedgerows meet certain criteria, they are considered to be important.

If a hedgerow is considered to be important, then you may need to submit a Hedgerow Removal Notice.

You can find more information about managing hedgerows and the rules and regulations if you want to work on them on the GOV.UK website.


Map showing TPOs in Dover District »


Any species of tree may be protected, either as an individual, part of a group or area of trees, or as a woodland.

We have a legal duty to protect trees and may choose to make a TPO to:

  • strengthen a condition imposed on a planning permission
  • protect a tree or group of trees which are in danger of being cut down
  • keep and protect woodland, trees or groups of trees which add to the appearance and character of the district
  • make sure that new development takes into account the landscape setting

How we decide which trees to protect

Any species of tree may be protected, either as an idvidual, part of a group or area of trees, or as a woodland.

We may identify trees:

  • under threat from planning applications
  • from contact with local residents
  • for strategic landscape purposes.

We consider any threat and the importance of the trees before we decide whether or not to make a TPO.

What happens when we make a TPO?

When we make a TPO, it becomes effectively immediately.  We notify the landowners and occupiers, who are able to object to or support the order.

We will consider all of the comments we receive and, within 6 months will confirm, withdraw or amend the TPO. 

If you wish to work on a protected tree, please make an application.

Request a new TPO be made

Trees can be considered for a TPO if they are very visible from a public place, in good health and condition and under immediate threat of damage or removal.



Planning Conditions

Sometimes where development has taken place, trees are protected by planning conditions.

To find out if trees are protected by planning conditions, please look at the planning history of an address.

Search for planning applications »


If your tree is covered by a planning condition, you may need to get permission from us if you want to carry out work to it.  The planning condition will make this clear.


Email: tree.enquiries@dover.gov.uk