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Current Housing Performance

We keep a close eye on how we're performing, we produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports to make sure we're hitting targets and making adjustments to how we're working to strive for continuous improvement.

Here are our quarterly performance figures for you to see how we're doing.

Quarterly Performance for 2023/24 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Percentage of homes with a valid gas safety certificate 99.91% 99.33% 99.83%  -
Percentage of domestic properties with EICR certificates up to five years old- 95.87% 93.85% 94.57%  -
Responsive repairs completed in month per 1,000 properties 231.90 221.38 232.65  -
Percentage of responsive repairs completed within target timescale 96.67% 97.61% 96.91%  -
True current tenant arrears at the end of the month (%) 1.39% 1.43% 1.47%  -
Percentage of dwellings vacant but available to let at the end of the month 1.03% 1.31% 0.93%  -
Average re-let time in days (standard re-lets in month) 44.40 57.17 55.51  -
New ASB cases reported in month per 1,000 properties 5.36 4.45 2.27  -
Formal Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints received in month per 1,000 properties 2.28 1.12 2.89  -
Percentage of Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints resolved within timescale in month 98.04% 95.83% 91.41%  -
Incoming calls to Housing Team on 01304 801084 No data collected No data collected 3573  -


If you're a tenant or leaseholder and would like to become involved in how we manage services, please consider joining Dover District Tenant Consultative Group, who use the information to scrutinise services and hold DDC to account.