If you have a disability Dover District Council can provide qualifying tenants certain adaptations to help them remain independent in their home and enjoy a good quality of life.
The following applies if you are Dover District Council tenant or household member. If you are a home owner or you live in the private rented sector, please refer here: Private Sector Housing Grants and Loans
Firstly, you will need to contact the Occupational Therapists who will assess your medical needs during a home visit which will be used to make a referral to Dover District Council for adaptation work to happen.
How to contact Occupational Therapists :
- For adult services (Over 18’s) call 03000 416161
- For children services (Under 18’s) call 03000 411111
- For minor adaptations (hand or grab rails) email social.services@kent.gov.uk
Further information can be found here: Care needs assessments - Kent County Council
Once we receive a recommendation from your Occupational Therapist we will consider the request. It's important to get in contact with the Occupational Therapists as soon as possible, so you can be visited and a referral can be made.
Occupational Therapists should refer Dover District Council tenants or household members using this form: Blank OT form DDC
What happens next?
If we approve the adaptations, they fall into two categories:
1. Minor Works
- Grabrails and handrails
- Lever taps
These works are generally straightforward and will be dealt with immediately.
2. Major Works
- Bathroom adaptations – flush floor showers, over bath showers
- Ramps
- Stairlifts
These major works need to be inspected, planned and placed on the waiting list to be carried out. We have a waiting list due to the increasing number of tenants who need major adaptations in their home.
We will provide our written decision and where works have been approved, we will explain the next steps to the tenant including when the works are expected to be carried out and who will be carrying out the works.
If we refuse a request for adaptations, we will advise you of the reasons why and suggest alternative solutions.
Our Disabled Adaptations Policy is currently under review, we will update this webpage as soon as the Policy is complete.
Contacting the adaptations team at Dover District Council:
- Please email the team or call 01304 821 199
- Write to: Property Services, Housing Assets Team, Dover District Council, White Cliffs Business Park, Whitfield, Dover, CT16 3PJ
Other useful contacts
Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Please contact us on tenantinvolvement@dover.gov.uk if you think we have missed information or tell us how we can improve this page.