Dog Barking

Dogs bark for various reasons. Barking or howling can disturb neighbours, often when the dog owner is out of the house. Dog barking can amount to a Statutory Nuisance that could lead to enforcement action being taken against the dog owner.

Dogs may bark for any of these reasons:

  • Defending territory
  • Loneliness
  • Boredom
  • Frustration
  • Attention seeking
  • Medical reasons

Here are some tips to help prevent your dog from causing noise problems:

  • Don’t leave your dog outside if it wants to be let in
  • Try to keep your dog calm. Do not over-excite the dog late at night
  • If your dog barks at certain times of the day, keep it busy, take it for a walk
  • When you go out take your dog with you or ask a friend or relative to look after it
  • If you have to leave your dog at home alone exercise it before you go
  • Some dogs become calm on hearing a voice. Put a radio on quietly if you leave your dog at home
  • If you are not returning before dark, leave a light on before you go
  • Make sure your dog’s basket is comfortable

You may wish to consult your vet as dogs may bark when they are ill or anxious. Your vet may refer your dog to an animal behaviourist who may suggest methods to improve your dog’s behaviour.

Make a Complaint or Report

Many people do not realise that their dogs may be causing a noise nuisance. Before you make a complaint we recommend that you try to talk to the dog owner and politely tell them about the problem.

If you live in a Housing Association or rented property, it is worth discussing your problem with your landlord. Most Conditions of Tenancy include a requirement that tenants do not cause disturbance to neighbours; a Housing Association may be prepared to take action if serious disturbance is being caused.

If the barking continues to cause a disturbance, you can give us full details of your complaint by completing our online reporting form by clicking on the following link:

 Report a Noise Problem »