Environmental Protection
The main focus for the Environmental Protection Team is the investigation of Statutory Nuisances under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. In addition our team is consulted on Temporary Event Notices, Licencing applications and planning consultations. We can also assist with enquiries and complaints relating to the below topics:

Including Noise, Odour, Artifical Light, Smoke, Fumes & Gas, Dust
For information on pests and bugs and requests for Pest Control Services
Air Pollution, Air Quality Monitoring, Annual Status Reports, Environmental Permitting
Coneyance Searchs, Contaminated Land Register and Strategy
Information relating to blocked or defective drains & surface water gullies, septic tanks and cesspools
Information relating to Public Health Funerals and bereavement services
Radon Maps, Guide for Householders, Home Measurement Packs, etc
Private Water Supplies, Flooding, Local Bathing Water Quality, Water Saving Advice
Properties which are prejudicial to health e.g. Filthy and Verminous
For Issues relating to Food (Food safety, Health and Safety, Food Hygiene Rating Scheme) or Port Health (IUU Cathc Certificates, Organic Products, High Risk food not of animal orgin), Please visit our Port Health and Public Protection Page
Make a Report or Enquiry
Should you wish to make a report, complaint or have an enquiry relating to an Environmental Protection issue please use the reporting form on the following link:
Contact Us
For issues not covered by our reporting form please see the below contact details for our Environmental Protection Team:
- Email:envprotection@dover.gov.uk
- Telephone: 01304 872428
- Address: Dover District Council, White Cliffs Business Park, Honeywood Close, Whitfield, Dover, Kent, CT16 3PJ