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Construction Site Noise


Some noise from construction sites is unavoidable, however developers and contractors must employ best practical means to minimise noise levels.             

The Environmental Protection Team can seek to control noisy works from construction sites through the Control of Pollution Act 1974 (Section 60). We would only look to do this if we received complaints of significant disturbance. It should be noted that by controlling operations at the site it may elongate the project and lengthen the disturbance. This may not always be a positive factor for the residents. 

Guidance hours we recommend are:             

  • 07:00am to 08:00am and 18:00pm to 19:00pm Monday to Friday and 13:00pm until 14:00pm Saturday
    • low noise (not significantly audible beyond the boundary of the site) preparation work to include:
      • Arrival and departure of workforce on site, conducted in a considerate manner given the environment the site sits in.
      • checks and examinations of plant and machinery ( but not operating machinery) and the carrying out of emergency or work critical repairs / maintenance to plant and machinery.
      • Re-fuelling of plant and machinery
      • Site inspections and safety checks
      • Site clean-up (without the use of vehicles and / or audible machinery)
  • 08:00am to 18:00pm Monday to Friday and 08:00am to 13:00pm Saturday
    • Hours of works where there will be a significant amount of noise beyond the boundary of the site.
    • Deliveries to the site
  • Anytime outside of the specified hours above.
    • No works that are audible beyond the boundary of the site unless in an emergency or when previously agreed with the local authority Environmental Protection Team.

 This does not prevent operatives from being present at the site at any time but does seek to control significant disturbance to nearby properties.

 When making a complaint concerning a site it is always advisable to record the most recent events of disturbance that breach or contradict the guidance hours we list above. What we are seeking information on is a pattern of disturbance rather than single infrequent events.


Many people do not realise that they may be causing a noise nuisance. Before you make a complaint if you feel comfortable to do so we recommend that you try to talk to the site manager and politely tell them about the problem.

If the construction site continues to cause a disturbance, you can give us full details of your complaint on by completeing our online reporting form on the following link:

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