Sandwich is a lovely town in an attractive setting. Its ancient streets, confined in the walls that once defended the town from marauding French and other invaders, carries the visitor back to the days when it was a busy port.
At one stage all travellers leaving our shores had to sail from Sandwich. Little appears to have changed within Sandwich's wall since Queen Elizabeth I visited the town in 1573. Many of its medieval streets and buildings remain with much of the town protected as a Conservation Area.
Despite its links with the past Sandwich remains a lively town with a strong community spirit.
It also boasts two excellent golf courses. The best and most challenging in White Cliffs Country must be the famous Royal St George's, where the Open is regularly played. The links have been lengthened to 6,841 yards and several holes have been redesigned. Prince's golf club lies inside the sweep of Sandwich Bay with a lay-out of three nine-hole interconnecting loops.
Sandwich is Twinned with Honfleur, Ronse and Sonsbeck