Deal was once a major port where sailing ships sheltered in the Downs near the notorious Goodwin Sands. It was a centre for resupplying ships and for smuggling. Today Deal is a quiet peaceful town that willingly reveals a treasure trove of architecturally interesting buildings, museums, monuments, marine history and heritage. Deal remains a mecca for anglers, many of whom fish from the town's 1,000 foot long pier. Professional fishermen sell their catch from the beach.
The Deal area, with its gentle sea breezes, also attracts hundreds of golfers each year. They play at the Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club, founded in 1892, with the course measuring 6,409 yards. Walmer and Kingsdown Golf Club, on the cliffs to the west of Deal, was founded in 1909 and has a course of 6,451 yards. Interesting attractions at Deal include the Maritime and Local History Museum, St George's Church built in 1716 to minister to the needs of the seafaring Community, and St Mary's (Old Church) where the Duke of Wellington used to worship.
Deal is Twinned with Saint Omer