Deal Zone P

The Scheme
- Deal Zone P Residents parking permit scheme is available to assist residents, and their visitors to park on the street close to their homes, the permit is valid for 12 months.
- The parking permit allows unrestricted parking between 8.30am and 5.30pm for the times and days shown on the signs in that area. A vehicle displaying a valid resident or visitor permit may be parked without time limit in a marked bay within the zone for which the permit is purchased.
- Dover District Council operate a VIRTUAL permit scheme where you can have two registrations on a permit, but only one car can use the permit at any time. You will need to log into your on-line account (daily, if need be) and “tick” whichever vehicle needs to be covered by the permit on any particular day.
- To purchase a Deal Zone P residents permit you will need to supply proof that you live at the address the permit is being purchased for, you will also need to supply a copy of your V5 registration document showing the vehicle registered to you at your home address.
- The permit does not entitle the vehicle to be parked on yellow line restrictions anywhere in the District or in pay and display areas on-street.
- A Vehicle may be parked without time limit in a marked bay, as indicated below, once a valid virtual permit has been purchased.
- Any contravention of the conditions of the Traffic Order, (which is available for inspection during working hours at The Council’s local offices) will render the permit invalid and the permit will be withdrawn.
- Permits are only available for motorcars, motorcycles (with or without) sidecar and light vans not exceeding 3,500 kgs in weight, 5.55m long, 2.5m high* or 2.1m wide excluding wing mirrors.
- The automated virtual parking permit system will send the permit holder a reminder one month before the permit expires; however, the responsibility to renew any Permit on its expiry rests with the Permit Holder.
- Disabled drivers displaying a valid blue badge may park in a marked bay without time limit in Limited Waiting parking areas and do not require a resident’s permit.
- The Council shall have the discretion not to issue permits to any person who has three or more unpaid and unchallenged Penalty Charge Notices, being those Penalty Charge Notices where payment is lawfully due.
- To qualify for a permit, the vehicle must be taxed and have a current MOT. If a vehicle is found to not be taxed or have a valid MOT, the permit may be withdrawn/refused.
Who can purchase a Permit?
You must reside at one of the following addresses to be eligible to purchase a Resident or Visitor Parking Permit for Zone P:-
- All Residents of Bridgeside
- Odd Numbers 1 - 9 London Road
- Even Numbers 10 - 26 London Road
- Church Path - CT14 9TH
- Matthews Close - CT14 9SR
- Albert Road - CT14 9RB, CT14 9RE, CT14 9FE, CT14 9RD
- The Garth, Albert Road - CT14 9GY
- Middle Deal Road - CT14 9RG, CT14 9RF
- Sutherland Road - CT14 9TQ
Where can I park?
The Resident or Visitor Parking Permit for Zone P is valid in the bays marked on-street in Bridgeside, Matthews Close, Sutherland Road, Middle Deal Road, & Albert Road only.
You can have up to two registrations on each permit (but only park 1 vehicle at a time when using the permit) and a maximum of two permits per address:
Resident permits; all Zones except, Zone E+, Deal Zone 2 and Sandwich Zone J
Annual on street permit:
First Vehicle
Annual on street permit:
Second vehicle
- Visitor tickets @ £40.00 per book of 10 can be ordered through your account. A Daily Visitor Entitlement permit will be required before you can order, this is free of charge.
Use our 'My Permit' system to purchase/renew parking permits and visitor passes or change your details.
Tel: 01304 821199