Disabled Parking
Disabled Parking Bays
Blue Badge Disabled Parking
Blue Badges are issued by Kent County Council:
Where can I park with my Blue Badge in the Dover District?
Blue Badge holders may park free of charge for up to three hours, or for the maximum period in any of Dover District Council’s Car Parks, but not on double yellow lines within a car park. Specially-marked, wide bays are available, but blue badge holders are entitled to use any bay in the car park. Disabled badge holders may also park without time limit and free of charge at any pay and display or limited waiting area on-street. Please remember to display your badge so that the expiry date can be seen and set your clock at your arrival time.
Parking charges may apply for Blue Badge holders in non-Dover District Council owned car parks. Please refer to the tariff boards for information.
Can I park on a yellow line with my Blue Badge?
- Yes, you may park on a single or double yellow line for up to 3 hours. You must display your clock with the time of arrival. Parking on double yellow lines in a car park is not permitted, even if displaying a valid blue badge.
- Only stop and park on a restriction if it safe to do so and, you do not cause an obstruction to other road users. Please remember our car parks are free for the maximum length of stay in a car park (see information boards in the car park for maximum length of stay information) for Blue Badge holders, and you can park free of charge and without time limit in our pay and display areas on-street.
- You must not park on a yellow line that has a loading restriction in place (yellow kerb blips).
- You must not park in designated parking bays other than a disabled bay i.e Police bay, Taxi bay, Loading bay (unless you are loading/unloading), Bus stops etc
My blue badge was displayed, why did I receive a Penalty Charge Notice?
If you park in a disabled bay, or a time–limited waiting bay, a blue badge must always be displayed. The correct way to display a blue badge is with the expiry date showing. If an older style badge with the photograph is showing and the expiry date cannot be seen, then a penalty charge notice (PCN) will be issued as it’s not possible for the Civil Enforcement Officer to see if the badge is valid or not. Also, if the expiry details are obscured in some way a PCN will also be issued. On a yellow line (single or double) blue badge holders can only park for a maximum of 3 hours, but not in a car park. As a result, in addition to displaying the blue badge, they must also display their clock showing the time of arrival. If no clock is showing and they are parked on a yellow line then a PCN will be issued.
In all cases please make sure your Blue Badge is correctly displayed with the expiry date showing and is clearly visible from outside of the car.
Please refer to your Blue Badge Scheme handbook that was provided with your badge for further details.
Most of our Pay and Display Car Parks have wide bays dedicated to disabled drivers. However, you may incur a Penalty Charge if you park on double yellow lines within a car park, outside the marked bays, or fail to display your badge and clock; if you do not purchase a pay and display ticket in a non-Dover District Council car park. Parking in any marked bay in a car park is allowed as well as in the specifically marked Disabled Bays.
Contact Parking Services
Email: parking@dover.gov.uk
Tel: 01304 872459