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Garden Waste Collections

Garden Waste Subscriptions/Renewals 2025/26

You can now renew or sign up to our garden waste service for 2025/26.  Please click here and follow the instructions to sign up.

The new subscription year starts on 1 April 2025. One subscription will cost £64.25.

If you take additional subscriptions there will be a further charge of £64.25 for each subscription, plus a charge of £41 for each additional bin. Currently you are not able to purchase additional subscriptions, this function should be available within the next few weeks, please re-check this page again at a later date.

New subscribers can join the scheme by paying £64.25 for the subscription and £41.00 for the wheeled bin. 


Garden waste wheeled bin service:

  • We will collect your garden waste once a fortnight, garden waste must be placed inside your 240ltr wheeled bin. Any garden waste presented outside of your wheeled bin will not be collected.
  • You will receive up to 25 collections a year, missing one over the two week break at Christmas. You will be notified when this will be.
  • We are no longer providing sacks for the garden waste service and any garden waste presented inside a garden waste sack will not be collected.
  • Once your payment has been received your collection service will be renewed for the current year and no further confirmation letter will be issued. Receipts are available if requested.

Cancel your subscription or tell us you are moving »

We will collect

  • Grass cuttings
  • Twigs and small branches (branches must be smaller than 9cm in diameter)
  • Prunings and hedge clippings
  • Flowers and plants
  • Weeds (except Japanese Knotweed and ragwort)

We cannot take

  • Soil and turf
  • Rubble and stones
  • Cooked foods and kitchen waste
  • Wood
  • All non organic waste
  • Garden chemicals
  • Pet litter/Bedding
  • Wood Chippings

Missed collections

Report missed collections »

We will ask our contractors to return to you when a collection is missed.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get an assisted collection?

If you have an assisted collection for your recycling and general waste you will also receive an assisted collection for your garden waste provided that none of the limitations stated in Clause 5 of the 2025/26 Garden Waste Service Terms and Conditions exist.

How much should I put in my wheeled bin?

If you overload your garden waste wheeled bin it may not be collected. The collection crew must be able to safely wheel the bin to the collection vehicle and the vehicle must be able to lift the bin to empty its contents. Look after both your safety and our collection crew’s safety.

What if I wish to put out more than one wheeled bin per collection?

Additional licences and bins can be purchased should you wish to have more than one. You will need to purchase another subscription and a garden waste bin to be able to present more than one wheeled bin. Currently you are not able to purchase additional subscriptions, this function should be available within the next few weeks, please re-check this page again at a later date.

What happens to the garden waste after it is collected?

Green garden waste is composted and produces a high quality soil improver that is taken to a local facility where it is composted and then used on the farmland.

Where do I leave my garden waste wheeled bin?

Please place your garden waste wheeld bin on the edge of your property by 7am on collection day unless you have a pre agreed collection point.

Renewing your licence

Subscriptions are not automatically renewed, we will notify you mid February of the fee and invite you to reapply.


More information


Other ways to dispose of your garden waste

  • Home Composting which is better for the environment, saves you time and money and gives you a soil improver which you can use in your garden. We are part of a scheme which provides reduced priced compost bins, water butts and accessories. 
    To place an order please telephone 0844 571 4444 or visit www.getcomposting.com 
  • Take your garden waste to one of the three  Household Waste Recycling Centres within the district operated by Kent County Council. These sites can be found in Honeywood Road (Dover), Southwall Road (Deal) and Ramsgate Road (Sandwich).