What goes where on Recycling Day
Recycling and Paper/Card collections:
On recycle day your mixed recycling (Glass, tins, mixed plastics etc.) is taken directly to the rear of the freighter where it is lifted into the left pod. Paper and Card from your black box is emptied into the right pod.

Food waste collections:
Food waste is collected by a completely separate vehice dedicated to only collecting food waste. Food from your green food caddy is tipped into a ‘transfer’ wheelie bin, and then taken to the next property. When the transfer bin is full it is taken to the vehicle and tipped into the back for the vehicle.
Batteries are put into the pod along the left side of the freighter.

Refuse collections:
Refuse bins or purple sacks are collected by a dedicated vehicle that only collects refuse. Refuse bins are loaded onto the bin lift and the waste is tipped into the back of the freighter.
The same crew collects on both weeks, whilst this is the normal collection method, If you live down a narrow road or track different collections method will apply.