Infrastructure Delivery
To support the delivery of sustainable communities, we will ensure that suitable provision is made for new or improved infrastructure, required to meet the levels of growth identified in the Development Plan.
Developers will be required to contribute to the reasonable costs of:
- Enhancing existing infrastructure or
- Providing new physical, social and green infrastructure
Required as a result of their proposals, through either:
- Financial contributions (by means of planning obligations)
- Direct provision of such infrastructure on-site within the development
To secure this we will use:
- Section 106 agreements
- Unilateral undertakings
- Planning conditions
Supporting infrastructure should be provided in advance of, or alongside, the development, unless there is sufficient existing capacity. The appropriate phasing for the provision of infrastructure will however be determined on a case by case basis.
We do not operate a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in Dover and there are no plans to adopt one.
S106 Planning Map
Please click here to view the interactive planning map, which shows the applicaitons with S106 agreements. To view the sites with S106 agreement, please zoom in on the map, click on the legend in the bottom right hand corner and de-select all layers except Section 106 and District Boundary. To view the S106 agreement, click on a green site, and click "view".
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
The purpose of the Infrastructure Deliery Plan (IDP) is to assess what current infrastructure there is in Dover District, what is being planned with committed investment and what will be needed in the future to meet the overall growth strategy set out within the Dover District Local Plan to 2040.
Infrastructure Funding Statement
Amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations came into force on 01/09/2019, requiring local authorities to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) on their website by the end of each year. Dover District Council's Infrastructure Funding Statement will report on S106 developer contributions this statement will contain;
Current Infrastructure Funding Statement
The Infrastructure Funding Statement is supported by a number of additional files provided in the Government's preferred format, these are called CSV files, which can be access below. The IFS statement sets this information out within the report in tables in a more accessible format.
Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023 - 2024
Previous Infrastructure Funding Statements
Monitoring Period 2022-23
Monitoring Period 2021-22
Monitoring Period 2020-21
Monitoring Period 2019-20
Tel: 01304 872798