New Proposals for Tides Leisure Centre Site Are Set to Make a Splash


Major proposals for a new leisure centre in Deal that’s fit for the next 50 years have been given the green light to move to the next stage of development - with an agreement to further explore an additional swimming lane and leisure options.

At a meeting last night, Dover District Council’s Cabinet gave the go ahead to progress exciting plans for a £19m project for new facilities at the Tides Leisure Centre site, with further consideration to be given to a six lane pool and ways to develop leisure uses for the pool. Cabinet agreed for a Project Advisory Group (PAG) to look into these issues in detail. 

Key proposals before Cabinet were for a new five lane 25m pool, as well as new health and fitness stations, toning tables, multi activity and spin studios, and café area. The new build facilities could potentially be delivered by summer 2027 and would be integrated with the retained existing sports hall and indoor tennis centre.

Proposals were initiated in 2018 and progress was significantly disrupted by COVID-19 as the leisure industry began to recover and rebuild.   Plans were further developed in 2022 when a series of consultation events were held to share early design concepts. A report was considered by Cabinet in November 2023 to provide a project update and consider financial viability issues, when it was agreed to explore further options that might enable the project to move forward. The new plans are bringing forward a range of exciting new facilities for the area, while working to ensure the project remains affordable and deliverable.

The latest proposals have been developed to an early feasibility stage and could still be subject to change.  A further report is set to return to Cabinet in December.

The proposals presented to Cabinet included plans for flexible pool provision with a five-lane pool that could be used for recreational swimming, learning to swim and advanced training. The lane pool could also be used to facilitate leisure activities during holiday seasons with inflatable aqua fun sessions, but proposals did not include a dedicated splash/leisure pool.

Cllr Kevin Mills, Leader of DDC said: “We are delighted to be able to move this exciting project to the next stage of development. We continue to listen to local communities and are pleased to be giving further consideration to an additional swimming lane and further leisure options. We have worked hard to make this new leisure centre deliverable in what has been a difficult financial climate. We look forward to taking this positive step forward to continue to invest in the district and provide much needed facilities for residents and visitors.”

For more information, please see the Cabinet papers for 29 July on the DDC website.


The analysis and evidence gathered from the Indoor Sports Facility Strategy 2023, demonstrates that a five lane pool provision will complement existing provision and help meet both current and future needs, noting the deficit in swimming pool water space in the district up to 2040 is a six lane 25m pool.

In accordance with DDC’s Constitution, executive decisions made by Cabinet are subject to call-in by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The period for call-in expires four working days after the record of decision is published. Therefore, the information contained in this release may be subject to further review and changes and may not reflect the final decision.

Posted on 30 July 2024

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