Local Plan examination hearing sessions to begin

Local Plan examination hearings take place

Planning Inspectors will this month begin the hearing sessions for the examination of the Dover District Local Plan. 

The Local Plan sets out the vision, strategic objectives and development strategy for the growth of the district over the period to 2040. 

It provides the planning policy framework to guide the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities for housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. 

It is also the basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places. 

Dover District Council (DDC) submitted the Plan to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for independent examination in March this year. 

Through the examination, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State, will consider the soundness of the submitted Plan and whether it has been prepared in accordance with the legal and procedural requirements. 

A seven-week public consultation was held in November and December 2022, which included in-person and virtual engagement events. More than 1,900 responses were received by members of the public and other stakeholders during the consultation. 

Those who made representations could register to appear at the upcoming hearings and speak directly to the Inspectors. 

All sessions will be streamed online for the public to watch. You can also attend to watch these discussions in person, but you will not be able to speak (unless you have been registered to contribute to hearing sessions).  

The sessions will take place on the following dates: 

  • Week 1 - Tuesday, 14 November to Friday, 17 November  

  • Week 2 - Tuesday, 21 November to Friday, 24 November  

  • Week 3 - Tuesday, 5 December to Friday, 8 December 

  • Week 4 - Tuesday, 12 December to Friday, 15 December  

The first three weeks of the hearings will take place in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, White Cliffs Business Park, Whitfield, Dover CT16 3PJ. 

Week four will take place virtually using Microsoft Teams.  

The sessions will begin from 10am, however this time is subject to change. 

You can find the times and format of each session as well as relevant links here: www.doverdistrictlocalplan.co.uk/examination-home/hearing-sessions/hearing-sessions  

More information about the examination process can be found here: www.doverdistrictlocalplan.co.uk/examination-home/dover-district-local-plan-examination  


Posted on 06 November 2023

For media enquiries, Email: pr@dover.gov.uk
