Dover District Council is to consult with residents, community groups, local businesses and key stakeholders early in the New Year on the first draft of its new Local Plan. The contents of the Local Plan and the consultation approach were agreed by Cabinet today (7 December 2020). The eight-week public consultation will start on 20 January 2021.
Despite the challenge of the pandemic, Dover District Council has been busy preparing a Local Plan that will set out the vision and framework for future development in the district for the next twenty years to 2040.
The Local Plan addresses the district’s needs and opportunities for:
- Housing
- The economy
- Community facilities
- Infrastructure
The Local Plan also provides the basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places.
With Covid-19 restrictions still likely to be in place, local residents can have their say via a dedicated Local Plan website, virtual exhibition and other forums for commenting on the Local Plan.
Responses to the consultation will be published and considered by Councillors before a further period of consultation on the revised version of the Local Plan in the autumn. The final version of the Local Plan will be submitted for independent review by the Planning Inspectorate in 2022.
Cllr Nick Kenton, cabinet member for planning, said: “The Local Plan sits at the heart of the planning system and provides the framework against which all planning decisions are considered.
“It’s important that local people and business have their say on the vision, the issues the plan seeks to address, and the strategy for meeting growth and development in the district over the next 20 years.
“Our vision is for sustainable living in the district, so we also want to hear your views on our draft policies to address climate change, and for protecting and enhancing the natural, built and historic environment of the district.”

Posted on 07 December 2020