Works to a Protected Tree

Tree management works to a protected tree

These webpages are intended to help you understand the procedures relating to works to trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) or those which are located within Conservation Areas.

Works to Trees with a TPO

You will need to apply for permission to carry out work to a tree with a preservation order. To discover if a tree has an existing TPO, please refer to the interactive TPO map. You will need to supply a site plan with your application that shows where the tree is located. If you are carrying out the work because the tree is diseased or damaged or is causing structural damage then you will also need to provide supporting evidence, which you can obtain from an arboriculturist. You can find a professional in your area registered with the Arboricultural Association.

Before you apply please read the Planning Portal's guidance for tree work applications at the link below. This will provide you with information to help you complete your application to make it more likely to be accepted.

Works to Trees in a Conservation Area

Trees in a Conservation Area that are not protected by a Tree Preservation Order are protected by the provisions in section 211 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. These provisions require people to notify the local planning authority, using a ‘section 211 notice’, 6 weeks before carrying out certain work on such trees, unless an exception applies. The work may go ahead before the end of the 6-week period if the local planning authority gives consent. This notice period gives the authority an opportunity to consider whether to make an Order on the tree.

A section 211 notice to the local planning authority is required for the cutting down, topping or lopping or uprooting of a tree whose diameter exceed 75 millimetres when measured over the bark of the tree at 1.5 metres above ground level or where a tree has more than one stem if any stem when measured over its bark at that point exceeds the relevant minimum.

A section 211 notice is not normally required for the trimming of a line of trees that have been maintained as a formal hedge but trees within a hedge or an old hedge which has become a line of trees of a reasonable height will require consent. If in doubt, please email:

Make an Application

To make an application for works to trees with a TPO application or works to trees in a Conservation Area, please use the government's PlanningPortal. If you don't have a PlanningPortal account, you will need to create one. 

The PlanningPortal always recommends making an online application, but if you prefer, paper application forms (with guidance notes) are also available.