Calorie Maps
Take steps towards an active lifestyle with our short healthy walks in the Dover District, which not only chart the way, but counts the calories you could burn on the day.
Dover District Council and the Kent Community Health NHS Trust have produced the maps, with funding secured by the South Kent Coast Health and Wellbeing Board from Kent County Council Public Health.
Walking is a free, easy, fun and healthy activity that people of all ages and fitness levels can enjoy. Regular moderate exercise like walking can have major benefits to your health and improve your quality of life. The advice is to start slowly and aim to build up to 10,000 steps a day, to help walk your way to a healthier and happier you.
Speak to your doctor before you start any exercise if you have any medical issues.
Walks in:
- Eythorne and Elvington
- Middle Deal and Sholden
- Mill Hill
- Aylesham
- Eastry
Walks in:
- River
- Whitfield (x2)
- Deal
- Connaught park / Seafront
- Sandwich