Planned developments

 The affordable housing developments detailed on this page are in the stages of pre-development. Some will be in the pre-planning, planning and pre-contract stages, while others will be going through a process of resident engagement and a Housing Needs Survey. 

If you are intersted in getting involved with any of the below projects, please get in touch by emailing your interest to

Military Road, Dover


Planning App No: 23/00076

This site plans to provide 8 homes consisting of 6 x 1 bed flats  2 x 2 bed flats, one of which will be wheelchair accessible, for general needs housing. The new homes will be let at social rent. Construction is due to commence on site towards the end of 2024, Homes England grant funding has been awarded for this site.


Poulton Close, Dover CT17 0HL

Planning app reference number: DOV/20/01258

This site is owned by the Council, and is being developed for new Council housing. A planning application has been approved for 24 studio, one bedroom, two bedroom and three bedroom apartments including some that are designed for people with mobility requirements.

The new homes will be let at social rents and will provide interim housing for local people facing homelessness. The project forms part of the Council’s commitment to develop its own interim housing to reduce the reliance on B&B accommodation.

Dover District Council has been successful in attracting support funding from the UK Government's Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF2) and One Public Estate programme to carry out remediation work on the site which is due to start in Sept/Oct 2024.

Measures have been put in place to protect the ecology of the site in advance of the work.


  Poulton Close Barwick Road edited rendering



Keep up to date

Want to be kept up to date regularly? Please register your interest on the Keep Me Posted, DDC's e-news bulletin service. You can also find out more about the plans for housing development in the District by visiting in the Dover District Local Plan.


 Page last updated: 2 August 2024