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Affordable housing statistics

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The Council is committed to delivering, enabling and facilitating the development of a range of new affordable housing across the district, either owned and managed by the Council or by one of our Registered Provider partners (Housing Associations), as well as acquiring properties on the open market by reinvesting Right to Buy receipts. Our aim is to ensure there is an adequate supply of affordable housing in the district to meet the changing needs of residents, and to address both the housing waiting list and homelessness.

This page will be regularly updated to provide accurate data and information on the total number of affordable housing developed and acquired by the Council. Information and figures of properties built and delivered by Registered Providers will be added to this page at a later date. 

You can find more information about the affordable housing sites we are currently developing and have completed on by visiting our DDC Developments webpage. You can also keep up to date with affordable housing in the district by signing up to our Keep Me Posted bulletin service and selecting 'affordable housing' as the topic.

 New housing delivered by Dover District Council*



*Figures include new-build properties and acquisitions for general needs, shared ownership, affordable homeownership and interim accommodation.


Last updated: 19 February 2025