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Services for people in housing need because of domestic abuse

Housing can often be a barrier for survivors of domestic abuse, there are housing options available for those escaping domestic abuse, including their children.  

Options available: 

  • If you need to go to a refuge (a temporary safe place to live for you and your children) call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.  

  • If you are a Council tenant and you need to move to a new property, we can support you to transfer your tenancy, in or outside the district.  

  • If you are homeless due to domestic abuse and eligible for homelessness assistance, you will be considered a priority need for accommodation, you can make a housing application here: Apply for council housing - GOV.UK (local connection does not apply if you are fleeing domestic abuse, therefore you can apply to any Council).   

  • The SAFER scheme can help to secure accommodation through additional security measures.  

Further information on housing and non-housing related support in Kent can be found here: Domestic abuse - Kent County Council  


No recourse to public funds 

Regardless of your immigration status, if you are subject to domestic abuse, you have the right to protection by the Police and courts. You can: 

  • Apply for the Destitute Domestic Violence Concession (DDVC) so that you can claim benefits, which means you can go to a refuge to flee abuse or apply for alternative housing because of domestic abuse - Apply for the migrant victims of domestic abuse concession - GOV.UK (lasts 3 months, during this time you can apply for indefinite leave to remain as a victim of domestic abuse). 


If you or someone else is in immediate danger, do not wait, call the police on 999. 

The National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 (provided by Refuge) is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to refuge accommodation, they offer confidential support and information for those experiencing domestic abuse, including:  

Advice on home/tenancy maintenance  

Safety information  

Confidence building, independence & empowerment  

Parenting/life skills  

Access to legal advice  

Debt management and benefits advice  

Support with physical and emotional health  

Education and employment advice  


Find out more about Refuge here: Refuge, the largest UK domestic abuse organisation for women 


Our local provider for domestic abuse support is Oasis:  https://www.oasisdaservice.org/  

0800 917 9948 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 – 11:30am, 12:30 – 2:30pm 
Thursday, Friday 9:30 – 11:30am 


Tel: 01304 872265