Crop Spraying
Enforcement and investigation
Local authorities and several other bodies have roles in investigating incidents and carrying out enforcement for:
- the Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR)
- the Biocidal Products Regulations (BPR).
Broadly speaking:
- Kent County Council trading standards officers enforce the advertisement and sale of pesticides and biocides
- the use of products is usually enforced by either HSE (Health and Safety Executive), Environment Agency or Dover District Council Environmental Health Officers, depending where the product has been used.
Who to contact in which situation » (HSE website)
Health affects
If you think your health has been affected by a pesticide/biocide, seek medical advice – go to your doctor, or in more serious cases, go to hospital. If your pet/livestock has been affected, seek veterinary advice.

Users of pesticides
If you use pesticides on your farm or holding then this will apply to you.
Pesticides include:
- fungicides
- insecticides
- herbicides
- plant growth regulators
Special provisions apply where aerial application is to be used. You must give prior notification to several different authorities and organisations and keep details of the application for at least 3 years. You can read more about the requirements for aerial spraying in the Green Code.
For certain pesticides, which are applied via a ground crop sprayer or a broadcast air-assisted sprayer there is a legal obligation to carry out and record the results of a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (LERAP). Even if you maintain the 5 metre buffer strip you will still need to record that you have done this.
Guidance on how to use these products safely and information about controls over pesticide residues in food.