Accumulations of Waste

We deal with complaints concerning accumulations of waste on private land and can take action if the waste is causing a nuisance to those in the surrounding area.

If piles of rubbish are attracting or harbouring mice or rats, we can take action under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act of 1949 by serving a legal notice requiring steps to be taken to keep the land free of mice or rats.
If waste is causing an odour nuisance, we can take action under the Environmental Protection Act of 1990 requiring abatement works. The simplest way of doing this would be removal of the waste.
Overgrown gardens, old cars on private land, builders rubble, white goods etc may look unsightly but there is little action we can take unless there is proof of harbourage for vermin. After a complaint an officer will visit to make an assessment. This will involve looking for rodent nests, food sources for rodents and possible bedding material. If any of these items are present the council may take enforcement action requiring steps to be taken to keep the land free of rats and mice.
Private Alleyway Maintenance
Most of the alleyways in the Dover District are privately owned so it is the responsbility of the landowner to remove any build-up of waste.
The attached leaflet provides further information Private Alleyway Maintenance_pdf