
Ordinary people acting together in formal or informal groups can achieve great things. Groups of all sizes and communities are taking meaningful action to help reduce global emissions and improve the environment.
This is evidenced by the high number of applications received for DDC’s Environmental Hero awards. Winners of the five categories were awarded for their passion for saving the planet, carrying out litter picks on a regular basis, collecting and using surplus supermarket food to distribute residents struggling to afford food and the homeless, and for raising and promoting a cleaner and greener future.
Current funding oppurtunities:-
Climate Action Fund – The National Lottery Community Fund
The focus of this funding is to encourage community-led climate change action on projects that focus on the link between nature and climate change. Anticipated funding projects of between £300,000 and £500,000 over 2 to 5 years. Development grants of £50,000 to £150,000 over 12 to 18 months are also available. Further information available at: Climate Action Fund | The National Lottery Community Fund (
Branching Out Fund – The Tree Council
Grants are available for planting trees, orchards and hedgerows for schools. Community groups, parish/town councils and Tree Warden Networks can apply. Ideally children/ young people involved in planting and ideally aftercare.
Grants of between £200 and £2000 available. Deadline for applications is 4 December 2022. Further information available at: Our grants - The Tree Council
This could be a community woodland or orchard project, or it could be a large-scale project like landscape restoration or rewilding
The UK Community Tree Planting Programme
Financial assistance for community tree planting projects. Funding is available for small community, woodland, orchards, hedging projects, etc, or larger scale tree planting (1000- 10,000 trees).
Application packs available at: UK Community Tree Planting Grants — International Tree Foundation (application deadline is 16 December 2022).
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