What do the council's services cost to run?
The net budget requirement for 2025/26 is estimated at £21,998k, a decrease of £2,202k (10.13%) on last year’s forecast.
The Council’s Band D Council Tax has increased by £6.39 for the year, which is less than 13 pence per week.
Dover District Council | Gross Expenditure £000 | Total Income £000 | Budget Net cost 2025/26 £000 | Forecast Net cost 2024/25 £000 |
Chief Executive |
3,788 |
(481) |
3,307 |
2,942 |
Environment & Place |
15,288 |
(6,521) |
8,767 |
7,876 |
Housing, Finance & Assets |
59,008 |
(42,834) |
16,174 |
14,705 |
Special Revenue Projects |
2,838 |
0 |
2,838 |
2,218 |
Corporate Adjustments |
594 |
(1,586) |
(992) |
(811) |
Directorate costs recharged to HRA & Capital Projects |
(6,416) |
(6,416) |
(5,679) |
Contributions to/-from Reserves & Balances |
(1,950) |
(1,950) |
(1,367) |
Interest and Investment Income |
(2,559) |
(2,559) |
(2,391) |
Other Financial Items/ Adjustments |
2,829 |
0 |
2,829 |
2,482 |
Total: General Fund |
84,345 |
(62,347) |
21,998 |
19,975 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) |
26,426 |
(26,426) |
0 |
0 |
Totals 2025/26 |
110,771 |
(88,773) |
21,998 |
19,975 |
2024/25 Comparison |
102,335 |
(82,360) |
19,975 |
Calculation of Council Tax Income 2022/23
Calculation of Council Tax Income 2025/26 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2025/26 |
110,771 |
Less, income 2025/26 |
(88,773) |
Net cost of services |
21,998 |
Less, from the Government and Business Rates Payers -
Revenue Support / Lower Tier Services Grant
Business Rates Share
New Homes Bonus Grant
Extended Producer Responsibility Funding
National Insurance Funding
Less Collection Fund Deficit
Remaining amount to collect as Council Tax |
9,749 |
Cost of council services - previous years