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What do the council's services cost to run?

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The net budget requirement for 2025/26 is estimated at £21,998k, a decrease of £2,202k (10.13%) on last year’s forecast. 

The Council’s Band D Council Tax has increased by £6.39 for the year, which is less than 13 pence per week.  

Dover District CouncilGross Expenditure
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Chief Executive 3,788 (481) 3,307 2,942
Environment & Place 15,288 (6,521) 8,767 7,876
Housing, Finance & Assets 59,008 (42,834) 16,174 14,705
Special Revenue Projects 2,838 0 2,838 2,218
Corporate Adjustments 594 (1,586) (992) (811)
Directorate costs recharged to HRA & Capital Projects   (6,416) (6,416) (5,679)
Contributions to/-from Reserves & Balances   (1,950) (1,950) (1,367)
Interest and Investment Income   (2,559) (2,559) (2,391)
Other Financial Items/ Adjustments 2,829 0 2,829 2,482
Total: General Fund 84,345 (62,347) 21,998 19,975
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 26,426 (26,426) 0 0
Totals 2025/26 110,771 (88,773) 21,998 19,975
2024/25 Comparison 102,335 (82,360) 19,975  



Calculation of Council Tax Income 2022/23
Calculation of Council Tax Income 2025/26£’000
Planned spending 2025/26 110,771
Less, income 2025/26 (88,773)
Net cost of services 21,998

Less, from the Government and Business Rates Payers - 

Revenue Support / Lower Tier Services Grant 

Business Rates Share 

New Homes Bonus Grant 

Extended Producer Responsibility Funding 

National Insurance Funding

Less Collection Fund Deficit 








Remaining amount to collect as Council Tax 9,749 

Cost of council services - previous years