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How your 2025/26 Council Tax is worked out

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The council tax for Dover District Council is worked out by looking at what money is needed to run the services we provide, based on what we have set as our budget for the coming year. 

The total amount of council tax we need to collect is identified as the difference between the budget we need and the money we already have to spend on services. This is shown in the table below:

Budget Summary 2025/26 Budget £’000 2024/25 Budget £’000 Difference %
Net Budget 2025/26 19,975    
Inflation 2,353    
Net decreases in income/grants 0    
Net movement in contributions to reserves & balances (Note 1) 5    
One-offs (Note 2) (1,268)    
Growth (Note 3) 2069    
Identified savings (Note 4) (1,136)    
Net Budget 2025/26 21,998 19,975 10.13%
Less:  Funding:      
Business Rates Share 9,817 9,109 7.77%
Government Revenue Support & Other Grants 614 1,666 -63.15%
New Homes Bonus Grant 634 346 54.34%
Collection Fund Deficit 36 91  
Govt. Grants 1,699 0  
Total Funding 12,700 11,212 13.27%
Expenditure to be met by Council Tax payers 9,299 8,763 6.12%
Divided by equivalent number of Band D properties 42,119.72 40,874.50 3.05%
  £ £
Dover Tax level (Band D) 220.77 214.38 2.98%
Kent County Council precept 1,691.19 1,610.82 4.99%
The Police & Crime Commissioner for Kent precept  270.15 256.15 6.57%
Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Service precept 94.86 89.91 6.01%
Council Tax level (Band D) 2,276.97 2,171.26 5.01%



  • Forecast on-going impact from Covid 19 on key income streams.  
  • Includes application of DEFRA funding to offset the impact of the Dover Port Health Authority.
  • Reduction in assumptions relating to pressures and service impacts from Covid 19.
  • Impact of phased implementation of the Dover Port Health Authority.
  • Expected savings and income generation anticipated in year.


How your Council Tax is worked out - previous years