Vice-Chairman of the Council, Councillor David Cronk

Councillor David Cronk was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Council on 17th May 2023. David has lived in Deal all his life and is Ward Councillor for Middle Deal.
David has been a District Councillor since 2015. He has also been a Deal Town councillor for the last four years, representing Middle Deal Ward. David was The Worshipful Mayor of Deal from 2016 to 2018.
In the past David has served on Planning, Licensing and Transport committees and also worked on the Local Plan. He is currently Lead Member of the Planning & Environment Portfolio and a member of the Licensing Committee and the Planning Committee.
David served in the territorial army for 12 years as a Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer based in Deal with 133 Troop Workshop.
David’s occupation is a Health & Safety and Maintenance Manager, which involves organising Health and Safety procedures as well as maintaining the maintenance schedules of two sites.
David is married and has 2 children.
David is a football coach and a referee in the Dover District.
David is also a qualified Diver and still occasionally dives, but also helps with other organisations.
David has an interest in model making planes, trains and boats.
David has also achieved his Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards and works to help others achieve theirs.
Office of the Chairman of the Council