Senior Management Structure
Our Chief Executive, Nadeem Aziz, leads the management of Dover District Council. The operational structure is divided into directorates providing a wealth of services to the public.
The Chief Executive and two directors make up our Corporate Management Team.
Our corporate plan outlines our vision and key priorities for 2020 to 2024.
Nadeem Aziz, Chief Executive

Functions and areas of responsibility
- Leadership
- Strategic direction and management
- Member/Officer relationships
- Change management
- Partnership and joint working arrangements
- Policy development
- Provision of external focus
- Civic Functions
- Democratic & Corporate Services
- Electoral Services
- Continuous Improvement
- HR, H&S, Payroll (shared service) & Creative Design & Communications
- The Chief Executive is also our designated Head of Paid Service
Mike Davis, Director of Housing, Finance and Assets

Functions and areas of responsibility
- Financial management and budgetary control
- Accountancy
- Client Officer for East Kent Audit Partnership
- Client Officer for Partnership One
- Housing Management
- Housing Needs
- Procurement
- Housing & Property Investment
- Natural Environment
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Property and Corporate Assets
- Transport and Parking
- Waste Services
Louise May, Director of Environment and Place

Functions and areas of responsibility
- Planning & Development
- Building Control
- Leisure Services
- Regeneration, Tourism & Inward Investment
- Museums & Heritage
- Community Services
- Community Safety and CCTV
- Digital & ICT
- Governance
- Legal & Licensing
- Port Health & Environmental Service
Monitoring Officer
The Solicitor to the Council is our designated Monitoring Officer. Although not a member of the Corporate Management Team, the Monitoring Officer will always have access to the Chief Executive and Strategic Directors and Corporate Management Team agendas before the meetings. The Monitoring Officer will be free to attend the Corporate Management Team meetings as required.
Constitution of the Council
Further information on our Senior Management Structure is in the Council's Constitution. The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how we make decisions and the procedures we follow to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
Tel: 01304 821199 (Democratic Services)