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Children and Young People

Healthier Families

The NHS's Healthier Families pages aim to help families lead healthier lives by eating well and moving more. Sign up for tips, recipes, competitions and offers. 


Kids need to be active for 60 minutes a day. From fun Shake Up games to information about active hobbies and sports, the Healthier Families activities pages has everything you need to get your family moving.

Food Facts 

Find out more about what's really in the food your family eats. The Healthier Families food facts pages include sugar swaps for kids, 5 a-day and healthier snacks for kids. 

Healthy recipes 

Fun ideas to help your kids stay healthy. The Healthier Families healthy recipes pages offer quick and easy lunchboxes to heathier family meals and puddings. 

Children's weight 

If you are concerned about your child, speak to your GP or practice nurse to see what support is available locally. The Healthier Families children's weight pages highlight that small lifestyle changes can make a big difference - try out their six tops tips. You can also sign up for the Healthy Steps emails and track your progress over eight weeks. 

Kent Family 

The Kent Family website, from the Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, can help support you and your child as they grow and develop. Popular topics include your child's development, emotional health and wellbeing, and whole family health. 

Local Children's Partnership Groups 

Kent County Council's Local Children’s Partnership Groups (LCPGs), bring a number of partner organisations together with the aim of improving outcomes for children and young people in Kent. They work collaboratively to understand and meet the needs of their local residents. 

The LCPGs have yearly district partnership priorities, an annual plan and access to Early Help Grant funding to support any improvements. 

Dover District Priorities 

For information on the latest priorities for the Dover District, please see Kent County Council's Local Children's Partnership Group priorities

Further information for Children and Young People

Mental health and wellbeing 

The NHS's mental health for children, teenagers and young adults pages provide advice and support about mental health for children, teenagers, students and parents.

Find out how to get urgent help for mental health

Health for Teens 

The Health for Teens website is now available to young people in Kent. It has bite-sized information on a range of physical and emotional health topics including healthy eating, body image, managing stress, advice on relationships, puberty and sexual health alongside a directory of local news and services suitable for 11 to 19-year-olds.

Know a recent school leaver or someone going to university? 

They are advised to make sure they have had the MenACWY vaccine to prevent meningitis and septicaemia, which can be deadly.

Make the most of being young in Kent 

See Kent County Council's Young people pages for things to do and get information and advice.

Protecting children 

See Kent County Council's Protecting children pages for a range of information including reporting abuse, online safety and bullying. 

Support for 0-5's and their families 

See Kent County Council's Children's centres pages for information on support for 0-5's and their families.