

  1. The overall number of people staying in temporary accommodation due to domestic abuse in 2018 and 2023.
  2. The number of women, men and children staying in temporary accommodation due to domestic abuse in 2018 and 2023.
  3. The average length of stay in temporary accommodation overall and for women, men and children, during 2023 and 2018.
  4. The longest stay in temporary accommodation due to domestic abuse during 2023 and 2018.


Please note that we are unable to provide information relating to 2018 as the Council moved to a new software system in 2023 and only current homeless cases were transferred. 

  1. 2018 - Not Held, 2023 - 52
  2. 2018 - Not Held, 2023 - Men: 10, Women: 42, Children:  55
  3. 2018 - Not Held, 2023 - 18 weeks
  4. 2018 -  Not Held, 2023 - 52 weeks