

I am writing to request information regarding the software used to support your parking/traffic/highway/accessible transport services. Please find attached a spreadsheet that I kindly ask you to complete with the relevant details.


The information you have sought is attached. Some of the information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act as the Council considers the names and contact details of individual members of staff to be personal data.  The names of staff working in public authorities are personal data as defined by Article 4(1) of GDPR and also Section 3 of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the release of this data would contravene the data protection principles.    

Please note that the Council has no responsibility for either Highway Defect Reporting or Accessible Transport/Travel as these are matters for the highway authority.  The highway authority for our District is Kent County Council who can be contacted at

