DPO Services
1. Do you currently have a Data Protection Officer in place (DPO)?
2. If the answer to question one is yes, is your DPO?
a. internal?
b. external/outsourced?
c. currently looking to appoint or outsource?
3. If you have an outsourced DPO then:
a. who is your current provider?
b. What is the monthly fee for the outsourced DPO?
c. How many hours of service does your outsourced DPO provide each month?
d. Are any unused hours able to be rolled over? If so what is the maximum rollover permitted?
e. What is the outsourced DPO’s hourly rate for additional hours of work over and above the retained DPO hours?
f. When is your outsourced DPO contract due for renewal?
DSAR Redaction Services
1. Who currently undertakes Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) redaction services within your organisation. Is it:
a. Internal staff?
b. Outsourced to a redaction service provider?
c. If outsourced, then what is the redaction charge per page?
d. If the outsourced provider does not charge per page, then what payment model do they use? (if monthly retainer fee then what is this?)
e. If outsourced, then what software do you use to transfer files to the outsourced provider? (eg Citrix, Egress, SmartBoxAI, Glasscubes etc)
f. If outsourced, then when is the contract due for renewal?
g. If redaction is undertaken internally, then what software do you use to redact documents? (eg Adobe Redact)
Ombudsman Complaints
1. Do you currently have a Complaints Officer that deals with matters from the Ombudsman?
2. If the answer to question one is yes, then is this Complaints Officer:
a. Internal?
b. Outsourced?
3. If outsourced then:
a. Who is the current provider?
b. What is the monthly fee for the service?
c. Does the current provider liaise with the Ombudsman on your behalf? or do they simply advise you on what should be done?
d. When is the current contract due for renewal?
DPO Services
1. Yes
2. Internal
3. Not applicable
DSAR Redaction Services
1. Internall staff using Adobe
Ombudsman Complaints
1. Yes
2. Internal
3. Not applicable