

  1. Which process has the Council adopted in selecting a new tenant for these premises?
  2. How many applicants applied for this tenancy please?
  3. What was the criteria for deciding who was awarded the lease/tenancy?
  4. For what period is the lease to the new tenant grants?
  5. What will the rent be for this lease? 


  1. The Council has sought offers for the property.  These offers will be reviewed and any decision to offer the tenancy will be based on the rent offered, the term, the rent-free period, any break clauses, the use and the covenant strength along with any community value.
  2. Seven.
  3. The Council does not hold this information as the process has not yet concluded and no decision has yet been made.
  4. The Council does not hold this information as the process has not yet concluded and no decision has yet been made.
  5. The Council does not hold this information as the process has not yet concluded and no decision has yet been made.