

1.      Total Number of Bus Stops:

The total number of bus stops in your council area. 

2.      Number of Bus Stops fitted with real time audio information systems:

The number of bus stops that are equipped with audio information. 

3.      Number of Bus Stops with real time visual information:

The number of bus stops that are equipped with visual announcements. 

4.      Implementation Details:

a.      A brief description of the criteria or policy used to determine which bus stops are equipped with audio and/or visual announcements.

b.      A brief description of the requirements of audio and/or visual announcements, as defined by the local transport authority. 

5.      Future Plans:

Any future plans or strategies for increasing the coverage of audio and/or visual announcements at bus stops.


Dover District Council does not hold the information you are seeking. The highway authority within our District is Kent County Council, who should be able to assist you and can be contacted at the following address: