

  1. Do you currently have a Public Service Protection Orders in place around any of the abortion clinics in your area, if so, how many PSPOs do you currently have in place. 
  2. In the last 5 years, how many PSPOs outside abortion clinics have you had in place? Please provide the yearly breakdown.
  3. In the last 5 years, (including 2024), how much money has the council spent on PSPOs outside abortion clinics? Please provide the yearly breakdown. 
  4. If you do not have any PSPOs in place outside any of the abortion clinics in your area, please can you tell me whether that is because:
    1. We do not have any abortion clinics in our area
    2. We do not have the budget to implement PSPOs
    3. We thought that the new law announced in May 2023 creating buffer zones, would have been implemented already
    4. Other : (please provide other reasoning)


  1. No
  2. Zero
  3. Zero
  4. D: (Other) Not considered due to no intelligence or issues raised in the district to warrant a PSPO to be considered for abortion clinics.