

  1. Does the council have a 100% renewable green electricity tariff for all of the electricity that the council is directly responsible for, and is this tariff with Green Energy UK plc, Good Energy Limited or Ecotricity?  This includes all electricity that the council is directly responsible for, in council offices and any other buildings leased and managed by the council where the council pays the electricity tariff. This does not include homes owned or managed by the council. If unsure, please state your provider and tariff. 
  2. Does the council generate and use energy from waste? And if so, what percentage of the council’s total electricity use is powered by this/these energy from waste electricity sources? 
  3. Does the council buy directly from a local renewable electricity source or have its own renewable electricity sources? And if so, what percentage of the council's total electricity use is powered by this/these renewable electricity sources?


  1. Dover District Council works with LASER Energy Energy Efficiency Services Provider for Public Bodies - LASER ( to procure energy for the Council our current contract is with NPOWER and we purchase REGO’s for the energy used.
  2. No.
  3. The Council has solar panels on two buildings and 21,691.99 kWhs were generated in the 2023-2024 reporting year.