

  1. Are you bringing forward your own habitat bank for the purposes of offering offsite biodiversity units?
  2. If so, at what stage of development is it?
  3. Have you decided methodology for pricing units yet?
  4. If the answer to Q3 is yes, what is it and is it expected to cover the long-term cost of habitat delivery?
  5. Please supply a full, redacted or template version of any s106 agreement for such an LPA habitat bank, if it is exists.
  6. Please supply copies of all completed section 106 agreements for other habitat banks in your LPA area.
  7. What is the total value of biodiversity offsetting contributions paid to the authority over the previous two years?
  8. Of the total value given in Q7, how much has been deployed into habitat creation, enhancement and management and how much remains unspent?


  1. This is under consideration, as set out in the report on the Environment Act to Cabinet on 3 June (Agenda item 10)
  2. See above mentioned report.
  3. No.
  4. Not applicable.
  5. The Council does not hold this information.
  6. None have been completed.
  7. Data on developer contributions is published annually in the Infrastructure Funding Statement. These can be accessed online for the financial years from 2019/20 to 2022/23. The data for financial year 23/24 is currently under preparation and will be published by 31 December 2024 and available on the Council’s website at
  8. See response to question 7.